Saturday, 16 February 2013

Nabakov's Lolita Day 5

We're now in the runaway stage, HH has Dolores in his clutches, and through a mixture of threats and bribery, he is just managing to keep her on board. There's a lot of dark humour in what is a case of child kidnap, there's a balance of coercion over which HH is not going to step - he uses all the power of his adulthood, but Dolores is still a moody ordinary child.  The only picture you get of her is through the distorted lense of HH's completely self -obsessed vision.
The pastiche of all the attraction of the travel round 50's USA is part of Nabakov's joking around. Set off against this banal set of "Pine Lodges" , and ersatz log cabins built to mimic Lincoln's childhood home, his crimes seem more sinister, more worm like and insidious.

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