Friday, 10 June 2016

"When the random permutation of genetic blending produce an offspring whose intelligence far outstrips their parents that child faces a special type of predicament: he both recognises his utter dependence, being after all only a child; and he also clearly perceives the severe limits of his own parent's understanding. .... ... the reaction of the young child is more likely top be blind terror(how can they be trusted to take care of me)"
p56 Incompleteness - Rebecca Goldstein 

Or as Gödel was apparently diagnosed with at five years old, a mild anxiety neurosis ("leichte Angst Nuerose"). That does feel familiar, that sense of helplessness against the world, which is large and threatening (as well as full of opportunities and wonders) and which you know your parents do not understand and therefore they are quite unable to protect you unless you are held deep inside the family. And to be held deep inside the family is constricting and stifling in itself, because again the arbitrary rules of the god like parents are harsh and unknowing of their effect.    

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