So there is no absolute agreement on the great authors - you only have to hear Nabokov's opinions of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Hemingway to realise that opinions are violently divided!
No surprise then to find that Karl Ove Knausgaard's
Death in the Family, the first volume in his - and I have to stoop to cliche here - "provocatively titled " sextet of books
My Struggle has the following break down of ratings on as of 6th October 2018:
So half loved it (I am in that group, let's make that clear), but nearly a fifth of readers gave it either one or two stars. So why is that?
Perhaps we need some comparisons -lets' take, just because I mentioned two of them above Dostoevsky's and Nabakov. Again only. We'll come to later -to see if there are any interesting differences or whether the spread of like / dislike is eerily the same both sides of the Atlantic ( OK very roughly speaking both sides of the Atlantic)
Here's Lolita - winning on 59% loved it, only 12 two & three star ratings:
And here's The Brother's Karamazov:
Outdoing Nabakov, his detractor. Nabakov said of Dostoevsky
"as in all Dostoyevsky's novels, a rush and tumble of words with endless repetitions, mutterings aside, a verbal overflow which shocks the reader after, say, Lermontov's transparent and beautifully poised prose. Dostoyevsky as we know is a great seeker after truth, a genius of spiritual morbidity, but as we also know he is not a great writer in the sense Tolstoy, Pushkin and Chekhov are. " Nabakov on Dostoevsky , New York Times
So what would Nabakov have made of Karl Ove? We'll never know - but what we do have, to begin with,is those 164 reviews on Amazon, 82 of which are positive rave reviews, approx 45 are mixed and 32 of which relayed that they did not like his book at all!
Well how did you not like his book I ask - as well as
how did you
like his book? A good review should give some evidence for the reader's opinions surely? By and large the 5* reviews pick out things that readers particularly enjoyed or admired.
Concentrating on the 1* reviews though there are a number of short sparse expressions of annoyance and despair, with the emphasis on short. These are not people who are going to spend a lot of time giving you their extensive assessment of Karl Ove's oeuvre - they're bored and pissed off and just want to send let you know with a short sharp blast of negativity.
There are a number of two or three line 1* reviews that by and large have three main critical points, if you can call them that. They say the book is
- boring
- self-indulgent
- rubbish
I put the list so it read like that as some of the reviewers included more than one of the three criticisms. What links them all of course is resentment, resentment that he's become famous on the back of this to them unreadable prose. Like that Dire Straits song
Money for Nothing, they are full of anger at his to them unwarranted success.
Some struggle to include wit in their answer for example: he talks about his struggle, well I struggled to read it - or some kind of literary reference - the Emperor's New Clothes are referenced of course! Others are less nuanced - "Drivel." says one.
For the most though they are upset and personally affronted that someone who is a "writer" is describing ordinary things in detail. They can't see beyond this, they can't see the form and shape, they can't see the story that does build up from this concatenation of feeling and detail. A number of them value their time so much that they are very upset indeed that Knausgaard is causing them to waste it. In fact this kind of time is of so much value that they are prepared to write a review to warn others not to make the same mistake - or is it that they just want to get it off their chest, have a good public moan and stick it to his literary propensities. Who knows?
I think it is a common complaint among a certain kind of reader that doesn't "get" certain kinds of reading. They feel the need to expose it and themselves in the minute unread print of a 1* star review. But all one really asks for is a bit of intelligence and engagement, a bit of real criticism.
It's an odd coincidence that just as I was writing this the literary Hub came up with a rather lazy daily post - they just cut and pasted the "50 best" one star reviews of James Joyce's Ulysses and let them speak for themselves -